Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My Maine Journey (Part 3) - Penobscot Narrows Bridge

Well, this one isn't really a stop that we made, per se, but it was another unique landmark that we ended up accidentally running into on our way to Acadia. It seemed to have been built fairly recently to replace another bridge and, from some information that I gleaned from a local nearby (since I stopped right by it to take a picture), people could actually go up to its pinnacle and see all the way to the sea. It sounds quite amazing. According to what I discovered this bridge is called the Penobscot Narrows Bridge and it's located on Route 1 North near Bucksport, Maine.

Take a look at that pinnacle!

Since we were in a rush to get to our next stop, we didn't have time to further explore the bridge, let alone take the elevator to its top. But just for future reference, for those who want to go to Maine sometime in the future (including myself), be sure to make time for this bridge! It's quite a sight!

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