Thursday, January 3, 2008

Blog Update: Sorry for the Difficulties

For those of you who happened to gander down to my blog between yesterday and 11:15 AM today (which is probably around 3 whole people), all of you may have noticed that the video entries were non-fuctional. Well, for the sake of not leaving anyone out in the dark about what happened, basically I ran into some difficulty with the video uploading process and, later on, some small technical loopholes with Youtube.

But now, everything should be all fixed and there shouldn't be any further issues regarding video posts. The only problem is, now all my video entries have been made public on Youtube. I know this is a little ironic to say (given that this blog itself is a public site), but I'm not sure exactly what I just got myself into by opening this up to the Youtube community. To say the least, this could either help me or hurt me and only time will tell.

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